Fresh in the Shop: more striking color but IN PETITE SIZES!

Ok, I know a lot of you out there are gonna love this one… new petite acetate frame styles from Paris designer, Carolyn Abram! These are simply gorgeous;  this new unisex collection will probably sell out in the blink of an eye, given they are the perfect fit for small faces!  

Hopefully this little preview will inspire you to stop into the shop soon! 🙂

Fresh in the Shop: Chromatic SPLASH

We have A LOT to catch up on… so many new frame styles have arrived in the shop, we hardly know what to do with ourselves! 

This week we will pump up the volume & post as much of the new stock as we can so you can get the idea… 

One of our most recent arrivals is this Italian collection that features a full spectrum of striking shapes and colors in a super light-weight, nylon form.

Thin, light and colorful from front to back!