Customers Around the Shop: Priscilla

These sassy new sunglasses are saying so much in this photo it’s kind of hard to verbalize anything else. What is certain is that that glasses definitely match the personality in this case. Priscilla has been a long term customer and it’s always so much fun when she’s in. She’s sassy, the sunglasses are sassy, we’ll just leave it at that.


We’re big fans of good music here, and KEXP has become synonymous with good music. This man, Tom Mara, has a big hand in making that good music happen at KEXP. He is the Executive Director at the radio station we have all known to grow and love. So two cheers for Tom, keeping the public radios stations of the world alive and kicking. Oh yeah this picture of Tom features his awesome new retro modern specs that we think are very befitting of a man in his business.

Around the Shop

This picture is from a few months ago, but we never posted it. It’s so great so here it is now better late than never. Our friend Tom looks so jazzy in these horn rims, shaved heads really lend themselves to great looking specs. What you can’t see is that the sides are checkered yellow…kind of like mullet glasses: “Business in the front, and a @$%$#^%ing party in the rear!”