Around the Shop

This picture is from a few months ago, but we never posted it. It’s so great so here it is now better late than never. Our friend Tom looks so jazzy in these horn rims, shaved heads really lend themselves to great looking specs. What you can’t see is that the sides are checkered yellow…kind of like mullet glasses: “Business in the front, and a @$%$#^%ing party in the rear!”

New Arrivals: Two Tone Plastics, Matte & Wood Finish

We just got in a preview of a new collection of plastics specially designed for people with small to no bridge. This is very exciting for us as we have not seen this style of frame with the potential to fit so many people! We will be getting more in the future and based on what we have seen already we can’t wait! Beautiful faux wood, two tone designs and matte finishes make the collection both modern & classic.