Customers Around the Shop: Ryan Lewis

Ryan Lewis was in the other day picking up his new specs. If you haven’t heard of Ryan, he is quite a man about the local Seattle Hip Hop scene. His photo work, you can see HERE, is really impressive to say the least. And you can hear his musical work with Macklemore HERE. Maybe one day Eyes on Fremont will be able to get as good of pics as Ryan can…

Around the Shop

This picture is from a few months ago, but we never posted it. It’s so great so here it is now better late than never. Our friend Tom looks so jazzy in these horn rims, shaved heads really lend themselves to great looking specs. What you can’t see is that the sides are checkered yellow…kind of like mullet glasses: “Business in the front, and a @$%$#^%ing party in the rear!”

Customers Around the Shop: Andrea

The Sneakery is a very cool, very Seattle, type of spot for the shoe people out there. Andrea is the owner ofThe Sneakery and we love her new Swiss made frames. They are actually made out of a very high tech nylon blend material.
Stylin’…FOR SURE!

Below you will find a detailed photo of what these frames are all about. The frosted clear has a very unique look, but the come in a plethora of varying colors as well. You can even mix and match front colors with the colors of the temples.