So we’re going to start something new! Every so often we are going to post a little something about the designers of the frames that we have here at Eyes on Fremont. We meet quite a number of interesting personalities while we are searching for the latest and greatest glasses trends. We have the privilege of calling some of these people our friends! So here’s our first Meet the Designer…This dapper, young fellow from Holland is Roger. As you can see in the picture he is quite a character. He’s been an optician for a number of years so he really understands the way glasses need to work on someones face while he’s designing. But that’s not the fun part. He moonlights as the front man in the dance cover band Lily White Biscuits. Yup one part frame designer plus one part rock star plus that crazy curly hair equals one incredible optical persona! BTW the cutie next to him in the pic is his wife Silvia. Below are some of the glasses that Roger designs…
Over the past few months I have been planning to get new glasses. I couldn't really see out of the very old ones well and I sorely missed the perfectly round glasses with the ear wrapping wires I had from the mid-nineties. I bought a few pair off eBay and chose the ones that fit the best. They aren't as ornate as the ones I had before, which is sad, but I do love these frames and was determined to get a pair of glasses in one and prescription sunglasses in the saftey goggles.
I saw your blogs seriously and thankful for making this nice blog which have answers of all my questions….
Designer Sunglasses
I just got a pair a Roger glasses (from EoF, of course) and think they're fab.
Roger has a website, too: